Today if you are in business, a web site is a necessity. The questions of , “Where to go?”, “What content to display?”, “How much will it cost?”, “How can I manage my website, without paying for upkeep?”, exhibit themselves more as problems than as questions.
We have authored everything from large municipal websites to personal blog websites. As the market matured, we opted to settle on smaller, economical websites, rather than web sites requiring daily maintenance and hundreds of web pages. We are fully capable of authoring that type of website, but prefer to be a boutique web shop.
We can provide:
- Fully functional CMS (Content Management System) based web site, maintainable by the owner of the website. We listen to you, design, implement, and provide basic information on maintaining, updating, and creating new content. we are always available for support.
- Affordable web hosting that is fully scalable. Hosting has email services, a platform that will run most all application, PHP support, full function POP3S, and IMAPS and SMTP email. Sub domains for that special project or store are available.
- Domain registration in your name with your account. Mo more going through a company to control what rightfully is yours. We do all the heavy lifting, create a registration account in your name, register your domain, explain how to manage registration, and are always available for technical support.
We can generally provide hosting, design, author the website, set up email accounts, for under $500 a year depending on the features and functions you want.
So, please contact us, give us a call, and let us help you let the world how great you are.
Contact us at 973-229-7219 or use our Contact Form.